Information Commands

Quick Note!

The bot only permits moderators to do what their roles allow. For example, the bot will not let moderators who do not have the Ban Users permission to ban users through the bot - you can design your moderators roles to permit what you want, and this bot will take care of the rest!
Usable by Who can use it
ServerOwner Only the owner of the server can use these commands.
Administrators Only users with the Administrator or Manage Server permission can use these commands.
Moderators Users with any of the defined moderator roles can use these commands.


Add, edit or remove notes for a user.

/note <add/edit/remove/removeall> <user> usable by: Moderators


View notes for a user.

/notes <user> usable by: Moderators


Manage entries in a user's log of moderation actions.

/editlog <delete/deleteall/pardon/unpardon> <user> usable by: Administrators


Display the active timers for temporary bans or legacy mutes, if any.

/timers usable by: Moderators


Get a summary of user info like number of moderation actions and join date.

/info <user> usable by: Moderators


Display the moderation actions issued by yourself or the given user.

/modstats <user> usable by: Administrators


Display information about the server and it's moderation.

/serverinfo usable by: Moderators