
Easy Setup

Run the /setup command to configure the bot without leaving Discord.
Setup Example
Similarly, run the /automod command to configure all the auto-moderation filters.
Auto-mod Setup Example

Moderation Actions

The main moderation tools: add notes and issue warnings, timeouts, kicks and bans. Confirmation dialogs allow you to test formatting and save you from accidentally hitting send.
Confirmation Example
Moderation actions can create DM relays for transparent communication between the mod team and users (don't worry, they automatically close with spam).
DM Relay Example
Link servers together to share moderation logs and issue timeouts, kicks and bans across multiple servers.
* Server linking requires an upgraded server.
Linked Ban Example

User Logs

User logs which contain everything you need to know, including DM replies automatically hyperlinked by the bot.
Log Example


A verbose Auto-moderator that tries to do it's best. Filters for offensive words/racial slurs, invite links, all sorts of spam like emojis, mentions and empty lines, which the bot will quote for you.
Automod Example


A logger that logs server joins and leaves, voice activity, message edits and deletion (attachments, stickers, etc.).
Logging Example

Buncha Other Stuff

Unlimited button roles for free. Make as many as you want!
* Full button customization requires an upgraded server.
Button roles example
Bulk-delete (purge) messages in a channel by right clicking a message and clicking Purge messages since.
Purge example Purge example
Lockdown for raids with no configuration required, preventing non-moderators from talking in or connecting to any channels.
Lockdown example